Cade turned 9 months old yesterday. I can't believe how big he is. He had to go to the doctor this morning for his 9 month well baby visit. He was so ticked about the whole thing. He didn't want the nurses or doctor touching him. He would scream everytime I tried to sit him on the table. The only thing he wanted was to sit in my lap. I guess he felt more secure in the safety of my arms. (I must admit that makes me feel pretty good!) The doctor says that he is growing and progressing just perfectly. He is just about the right size for a boy his age.
He started crawling about a month or so ago. He is now crawling up to things (like the coffee table) and pulling himself up to standing. Occasionally, he'll even cruise around the table. He falls a lot and bangs his head and stuff.... but he's a boy. And, boys are going to get hurt and have bumps and stuff!
He also has 4 teeth. 2 on top, 2 on bottom. He should have a 5th tooth anyday now. He loves to eat solid food, and especially loves to get food all over himself! (See the pic below!)
Our little man is doing great. Getting big, loving life and growing an even bigger space in his mommy's heart everyday!