I just wanted to get some pictures up from Easter 2008. We had a nice Easter. Cade and I went to church Sunday morning and then we went to Lucas’ parents for most of the day. Most everyone from Lucas’ mom’s side of the family came over. It was great to get to see everyone. Cade hunted Easter eggs with his two cousins Alissa (age 8) and Marti (age 5). It was a lot of fun because this was the first year that Cade was old enough to be able to hunt. He would get really excited when he would see an egg. He would run over and pick it up real fast. Then when he got two he would clash them together in excitement! The only bad part was they were hunting real eggs, so it made a bit of a mess. But it was so cute, I couldn’t really complain! I hope everyone else’s Easter was great. Below the pictures is a video of Cade playing in the bathtub last week. It's really cute. Enjoy the pics!