I knew he would really like the swing part of the swing, but I thought he'd be intimidated by the slide. (He's never really liked the slides at the park.) But, he wasn't intimidated by it at all. In fact, within just a few minutes he learned to climb up the slide and slide down with help. After about an hour he didn't even really need help. (Just someone to stand nearby in case something goes wrong.) I am so proud of how quick he took to it. Check out the video below.
I want to take this opportunity to tell my mom thank you so much for buying this swing for Cade. I know he will have so much fun on it this summer and for many springs and summers to come. We love you very much and are very grateful!
Lucas and I are so blessed to both have families that are so loving toward Cade. It truly takes a village to raise a child and I can't think of a better village than the one we have!! I love all of you guys!!
I hope you enjoy the pics and video!

P.S. I also want to throw in a picture from last week. Me, my mom and Grandpa Floyd went out to eat last Sunday afternoon. While we were waiting for a table, Cade decided that he should go and sit down on a bench all by himself. He climbed up there by himself and everything. He looked so grown up sitting there.