The 2009 edition of college football has finally arrived. Unfortunately for us Sooner fans, week 1 was not fun! Well the results of the game really stunk, but our trip to Dallas was a blast.
Lucas and I went to Dallas with Lucas' cousin, Shecoeta, and her husband, Bodie. They spent the night at our house Thursday night and the four of us headed south on I-35 at 6:30 Friday morning. We stopped in Gainesville and had breakfast at Cracker Barrell. We were there quite a while and finally made it into Dallas a little after 10.
Shecoeta and I dropped off Lucas and Bodie at Tour 18 in Flower Mound to play golf with Lucas' friend, Lee and another guy. Let me tell you, if you have never seen Tour 18, it is a sight to see! Since we weren't playing, Shecoeta and I didn't get to see the whole course. However, the houses in the neighborhood leading up and the holes along the road were absolutely breathtaking. Lucas and Bodie said that the houses on the back 9 were three times the size of the ones we saw. In fact, they said they saw a house with 6 (yes 6) chimneys!
While the boys played golf, Shecoeta and I got a massage at the day spa in the historic distric of Carrollton, TX. Carrollton is a neat little town in the Dallas metro area. We weren't there long, but we did have about an hour to kill. We walked through the shops and found a neat little shop/salon. It was more of a country/antique shop that was also a salon. I wish I had taken pictures of this place because it was so neat. It made me think of Lucas' aunt Dot because this place was just her style! Our massages were awesome! It was a nice relaxing way to start a busy weekend. The only thing is that now I think we should've gotten the massages on Sunday after our busy weekend instead of Friday!
After our massages Shecoeta and I managed to fight Dallas traffic and navigate our way to the hotel. Shecoeta was our navigator and I must say she did a really good job of keeping me from getting lost. We checked into the hotel and then had to rush off to pick up the hubby's.
We arrived back at Tour 18 around 4 o'clock. The boys got loaded up and we were back on the road by 4:30. Shecoeta and I had our trip all mapped out with mapquest on my cell phone. However, Lucas thought he knew a better way and made me go off of what the map said. An hour later, we decided to stop and eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. Bodie and Shecoeta had never ate at BWW before. I think they really liked trying all the different flavors of wings.
After we left BWW, Lucas took over as our driver... This is where we went wrong! Lucas and Bodie decided that they knew better than Mapquest and just started driving. They would come to intersections and randomly decide which way to go. Eventually around 8 or so, we made it to Humperdink's on NW Highway. That's right, it took us 3 1/2 hours to make it from Flowermound to Humperdink's on NW Highway... granted we stopped to eat, but still this was way too long! Needless to say, we had a lot of fun along the way. Shecoeta and I laughed the whole time at Lucas and Bodie. We were yelling at them for being awful navigators, but truth was we were all having so much fun we didn't really care!
We met up with our friends, Brian and Jennifer, at Humperdink's. We had some drinks and hung out there for a while. After a while we got kind of bored and headed off to another bar near Humperdinks. It wasn't much fun either, so we called it an early night.
We got up around 9 or Saturday morning. We left the hotel around 11:30 or so and headed into Arlington. We tried to go to Humperdink's in Arlington, but they were already so packed by noon that we couldn't get in. So, we headed over to 3rd Base Sports Bar near Six Flags. They were busy, but still had open tables. We sat there and watched the OSU/Georgia game. (I must say quite a few of us OU fans were rooting on OSU... although some weren't and quite a few didn't seem to care.)
We left 3rd Base around 4:45 and headed toward Jerry World. We were able to park in the Ranger's parking lot and walk over to the stadium. It was a short walk and the parking wasn't nearly as expensive as at Jerry World.
All I can say about Jerry World is WOW! That place is bigger than life! It is the Disney World for football fans! All of us were in awe. It is such a beautiful building. Yes, the food was expensive... however it was not nearly as expensive as were told it would be. We actually didn't eat inside there. I had a bottle of water ($5) and Lucas had 3 beers ($8 each). The jumbo-tron was very cool. It is bigger than life. It is very hard to watch the actual game instead of the jumbo-tron. The jumbo-tron is so clear and when you're sitting as far away from the field as we were, it's the best way to stay in the action.
Lucas and I sat right on the 50 yard line, but very far away from the field. We actually ended up sitting in the section next to my boss, Neal, and his 2 sons, Jeff and Bennett and Jeff's girlfriend, Marissa. Those 4 are always a lot of fun to hang out with. I went over and sat with Bennett and Neal during halftime. They are all big OU fans and always love talking football with Lucas.
As I'm sure everyone knows, the Sooners didn't win. We were all pretty bummed. Lucas of course was taunting the BYU fans after the game... but it was all in good fun. (Well kind of!)
The traffic after the game wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Brian and Jennifer's Tahoe has a tv in it, so we put in Anchorman and watched the first 20 or 30 mins of that, before we knew it, we were at Humperdinks on NW highway again. We went in and ate and I think we all had one beer... (Well everyone except Shecoeta, who by the way is ADDICTED to coffee!!) After that, we headed back to the hotel and went to bed.
We all decided to sleep in this morning and take our time getting home. We left the hotel around 11:30 and stopped at Salt Grass in Ft. Worth. Bodie and Shecoeta love Salt Grass and since Lucas and I had never been there, we decided to try it. The food was really good... we will definitely go back.
Once we crossed the OK line, we hit some traffic on I-35... Bodie and Lucas had been hashing out all the ugly details of the game. Bodie, being the funny guy he is, decided to stick his tickets out the window and try to scalp them for $25! We were all cracking up so hard. Then Bodie told Lucas to pull over... anyway, the video below shows what happened next.
All in all, we had a great time. We all laughed so much. Bodie and Shecoeta are always a lot of fun. We can't wait to spend OU/TX weekend with them next month!