Christmas 2011
2011 was Addi’s first Christmas. It was a little different from Cade’s first Christmas because Addi was 7 months old whereas Cade was only 2 months old for his. Addi was interested in opening presents – even though she was more interested in eating the paper than playing with the toys inside.
Lucas and I were off work from the 21st through 26th, so we were able to spend almost a whole week with the kids. It was so nice to have all that family time together – even though we were super busy getting ready for Christmas.
Cade was very sick on Wednesday the 21st with a high fever. I took him to the doctor and found out he had a severe sinus infection from the cold he had 3 weeks prior.
View of the Room from the Door
Baseball Glove and Sports Themed Hangar
New Full Sized Sleigh Bed and Pottery Barn Kids Bedding
Football Decor
Basketball Decor
Multi Sports Wall
Baseball Wall
Closeup of Curious George Sheets
Cade’s big gift from me and Lucas was new furniture, bedding and decorations for his room. Lucas painted Cade’s room on Tuesday, his furniture was delivered on Wednesday and we went and picked out décor for the walls on Wednesday. He didn’t get his bedding until Christmas day as it was wrapped and under the tree.
On Thursday, I took the kids to see Santa. It was nice because North Pole City was so busy, they had to just take down my name and cell phone number and called me with a time to bring the kids in. Cade told Santa he wanted a Nintendo 3DS and a bazooka. He told me earlier he was going to ask for an iPad and a 3DS – so I was glad he didn’t ask for the iPad. Especially since I already had the 3DS purchased. The bazooka on the other hand was just a random toy he saw at Walmart earlier that day. I told him I wasn’t going to buy it, but now that he’d asked Santa for it – I had to go back to Walmart to get it! Cade gave Santa’s Addi’s wish list on her behalf which included a walker. I think their Santa picture turned out very cute. I was glad that Addi didn’t cry!

Addi was feeling ill on Friday and running a fever. I took her to the doctor and found out she had double ear infections. So now, I had two sick kids at Christmas time – and I wasn’t feeling too great myself! Later in the evening, Lucas and I dropped the kids at my mom’s and went to Quail Springs to buy Lucas the shoes I’d promised as his Christmas gift. He got 2 pair of Cole Hahn’s that he loves. He especially loves the lace up black ones.
We also had dinner at Cafe 7 and then went to Sun & Ski Sports so I could get the Tom’s I’ve been wanting. Yay! Friday the 23rd was my Annie’s 74th birthday. We had planned to have a small party for her, but with so many of us sick, it just didn’t work out. Lucas and I did however make it up to see her later that evening. She was in a very good mood and seemed happy to see us. Although, I’m not exactly sure if she knew who we were. Nonetheless, it was nice to visit and get some hugs and kisses.
Saturday was Christmas Eve. I had a few errands to run that day. (Walmart, Hobby Lobby, the Farmer’s Market, the usual Christmas errands) I enjoyed taking Cade with me to the Market. Cade had been there before but I guess he didn’t remember. On the way, I told him where we were going and explained that it was the store that his uncle Victor used to own. I told him that I used to spend a lot of time there when I was a girl, but that uncle Victor sold the store about 10 years ago before he was born. When we got there he enjoyed checking the place out and meeting Chris (the man who worked for my uncle for years and then later bought the store from him.) I think Chris also enjoyed seeing my kids. While we were there, we picked up a gynormous fruit basket that I ordered for the Garrett’s and we of course picked up some peanuts. Yum!
On Christmas Eve night, we went to the Garrett’s house to bake cookies for Santa. By this time, I was feeling awful. I provided all the necessary ingredients that I bought at Walmart earlier that day. However, Shecoeta baked the cookies. I sat on the couch the whole time feeling like poo!! Nana also made some icing and the kids decorated sugar cookies for Santa. We got a fun picture of Madi and Addi. Madi put Christmas bulbs in her ears for a funny picture. Addi got a hold of the bulbs and starting tugging on Madi’s ears. So funny.
Before After

We got home late Christmas Eve night. We rushed to read a Christmas story and got Cade to bed. We made sure to put out the cookies and milk. Lucas found the Santa plate and I pulled out the traditional OU glass. (I've always told Cade that we put Santa's milk in an OU glass, so that Santa will know he's in the Sooner State.) Cade fell asleep fairly easily considering how excited he was. As soon as Cade was asleep, Lucas put out the Santa gifts and took a few bites of the cookies while I baked cheesecakes.