Thanksgiving is coming up next week and I realized that I haven't posted to this blog all year! I suppose that is because our lives have been so busy in 2012. A little bit about what all has gone on...
In late FEBRUARY, Lucas and I contacted Jennifer Henning about selling our house. Jennifer came over to look at the house and give advice. Much to my surprise, Jen was on board with listing the house and listing it RIGHT AWAY! Within a week, Jen had came over taken pictures and had our home on the market. I was very settled with the idea because I honestly thought it would take at least a couple of months before the house sold. Well, I was WRONG! The house sold in 4 days!! We had no idea where we were going to move and would be homeless as of April 13th! Aaahh!!
Lucas and I planned to move into a neighborhood at SW 134th and May called Legacy. A builder we really liked had a spec home for sale in the neighborhood that I had my eye on for a few months. We immediately put an offer on the house. We put in a full price offer, so we fully expected to get the house and to be moving to our dream home. I'll never forget the morning that Jen called and said the builder did NOT accept our offer as they had another offer come in the same day and they went with it! I couldn't believe it! How could we lose our house??!!
We knew we'd have to find a house within just a week or so, if we wanted to close the same day that our house we lived in closed. We took the day off work and dedicated an entire day to house hunting. I'd done quite a bit of house hunting online and had little to no luck finding anything on the southside of OKC. We spent the morning going through the Legacy and Williamson Farms. We went back through the house we'd made an offer on, this time with our agent, Jen. Jen, was not a fan of the house. She pointed out some things in it that were builders grade. She really helped me to realize that not getting that house was a blessing. We found a home in Williamson Farms that we really liked. We spent an hour going through it and taking pictures. The builder was there and I think he thought he had the house sold to us. Heck, I thought he had the house sold to us. However, I had already agreed to go and look in the Mustang area with Lucas after lunch.
To be honest, I never really thought we'd move to Mustang. But, Lucas wanted to move to Mustang so I agreed to go and look. What's the harm in looking, right? We looked through probably 5 or 6 neighborhoods in Mustang before I was completely sure that we were moving to that house in Williamson Farms. Then Jen called another builder in Mustang. She spoke with the owner's wife and asked her if they had any homes in the Mustang area that were the size and price we were looking for. She said no they didn't, but that her personal home met our specifications. She'd only lived there 6 months and was already needing to move. She said the house wasn't officially listed yet, but that we were welcome to come and look. Jen hung up the phone not really expecting us to be interested. I told her we'd go ahead and go look at it. I wasn't really thinking it would be what we wanted, but you never know. Long story short, we got there and we LOVED the house. We made an offer on it that evening and we had a signed contract by the next morning!! The owner was very nice and let us move in a week before closing. We moved in April 6th and closed on both houses on April 13th.
Now that we live in Mustang, I cannot imagine living southside. Cade absolutely loves his school and all his new friends. A family of 4 moved in about 3 months after we did. They have a little boy, Baylor, who is the same age as Cade. Cade and Baylor are inseperable now. I just love that Cade has a friend so close by. There are a couple of other families in the area with little girls about Addi's age. The girls aren't old enough to play together yet, but I'm sure when the time comes - she'll have plenty of friends in the area too!
As many of you know, I'd been trying to get a job working at Tinker for a couple of years. I'd gone to school and gotten my degree, thinking it would help open that door for me. However, I was 2 years out of school and Tinker still had not called. Well, in the midst of all this house stuff, I got a call from Tinker to come for an interview. The job I was interviewing for was on the Palace ACQUIRE program. To be honest, I would've accepted any office type job I could've gotten at Tinker. The Palace ACQUIRE program was a dream job though. Long story short, I went for the interview and within a week or so got word that they had selected me! I was beyond THRILLED! All that hard work and money spent on going to school had finally paid off!
The only bad news in it all was that they wanted me to start on APRIL 23rd. I was closing on my house on April 13th and I couldn't give 2 weeks notice until after closing! This really put me in a bad position to give my boss only 1 weeks notice that I was leaving my job after 7 years. It was tough quitting a job that I really liked and leaving a company that had treated me so well for so long. However, I knew this was the best decision for me and for my family.
I've now been at Tinker for a little over 6 months. The opportunities that exist at Tinker are above and beyond anything I've ever experienced in my career. For the first time since I was in high school, I honestly feel like my career is in my own hands. I can make of it whatever I want. If I want to work hard and further my education, the sky is the limit. I can't tell you how great that feels.