In one more week, my dear sweet baby boy will be a whole year old! I just hope the next 17 years don't go by as fast as this first one did. But, I'm sure they will. Cade becomes more and more independent everyday. He feeds himself with ease, drinks out of his sippy cup, only takes one bottle a day and he's even learning to use his spoon. (see the video) Plus, he's eating very little baby food these days. The only thing keeping my baby a baby is that he isn't officially walking yet. (Although he's trying very hard to learn.) Which honestly, I'm both happy and sad about. As far as I'm concerned I don't mind if he takes his time growing up. However, it brings us so much joy everytime he reaches a milestone!
Quick story to explain the pictures I'm posting. Last night when I got home from work, Lucas and Cade were asleep on the couch. Cade woke up when he heard me stirring around the house. So he gets himself down off the couch. Well he was so tired, that he immediately fell asleep right next to the couch. I walked in the living room to find him sleeping in the floor. It was so cute!
He's just the cutest thing! I'm so proud of you and Lucas both. Your lives are so blessed and you recognize it and I'm sure are thankful for it. Thanks for sharing your little man with us. It makes it easier to keep up with the growing Hinshaw family. Aunt Dot
He is so precious, we miss and love you guys!!!
Love the Bodie Bunch
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