Me and Lucas at the Texas State Fair
Shecoeta, Me, Jen and Courtney at Cadillac Bar on the West End Friday Night
OU/TX was so much fun! Let’s see… where should I start?
We left Friday morning around 10:30. Lucas’ friends from work Tyler and Jen rode with Lucas and me. There other friends from work Steve and Courtney followed us in their vehicle and Lucas’ cousin Shecoeta and her husband Boadie also followed us. So, we had quite the little caravan!
We stopped at the Bevo Bash (Bevo is the name of the Texas’ Longhorns mascot) at Carl’s Jr. in Marietta, OK. The Sports Animal guys are always there doing broadcasts. There are free Bevo burgers, and tents set up with OU gear and stuff. We stayed long enough to eat a free Bevo burger, use the bathroom at hit the road.
We arrived in Dallas around 2:30 Friday afternoon. By 4 o’clock we were all checked into the hotel and ready to hit the West End.
Boadie and Shecoeta stayed in a different hotel than the 6 of us. So, they got down there earlier. They went over to Cadillac Bar (a Mexican restaurant and bar) and saved a table for all of us.
As soon as we got to the West End, a Dallas based NBC news crew was down there. They stopped me and Lucas and asked if they could interview us. They were asking us about the economy and if it had affected our ability to come to Dallas for the weekend. They also wanted to know about how much money we’d be spending during our stay in Dallas. Then they asked if we had any messages we’d like to pass along to their viewers. Of course, we started yelling Boomer Sooner, doing the horns down sign and all that good stuff! I know we made the news because Lucas’ best friend’s mom saw us from her hotel room. She said her jaw about dropped when she saw Eddie (that’s her nickname for Lucas) on the news! :o)
We got down to Cadillac Bar a little before 5 and margaritas were $3 until 7!! Woohoo! I love a good margarita and they are sometimes hard to find. These margaritas were so tasty! They didn’t have tons of tequila in them like a lot of them do. Cadillac Bar was about 80% OU fans on Friday night. We sat out on the patio watching people walk by and talking with all of the other OU fans. (And doing a Boomer Sooner - Texas Sux chants on occasion!)
There was a group of older people sitting 2 tables behind us. They were already 3 sheets to the wind and were having a lot of fun. One of the guys got up and started dancing all by himself. He was having a really good time. Our friend Courtney went over and started dancing with him. You could tell he loved all of the attention. After a while Jen and I started dancing with him too and then we were all taking pictures with him. He was really nice and a lot of fun. We actually ended up running into him again the next morning at the fair. He called us his “dancers”. :o)
We ate at Cadillac Bar and then after Happy Hour was over we started walking down the street. By this time it was dark out and starting to get busier. We went into a couple of different bars. We ended up just kind of hopping from one place to another. Every place was so stinkin’ busy and a lot of places were charging cover charges. So, we decided to go back to the room and hang out.
We got back to the room and everyone crashed out pretty early. The game was at 11 a.m. the next morning and we wanted to get to the state fair pretty early since ESPN GameDay was supposed to be there this year.
I ended up being the first one to wake up Saturday morning. I set my alarm for 6:30 but ended up waking up at 6. So I went ahead and jumped in the shower first. This was a good thing because it got everyone else to get around earlier. We all got ready, ate breakfast downstairs and caught the DART bus to the fair.
I don’t remember exactly what time we got to the fair, but I think it was about 8:30. When we first got there, we went over and watched the GameDay crew. There were tons and tons of people over there. So many, that we couldn’t really hear or see much of what was going on. So, we decided to go and get some food and beer. We sat around and forced down a couple of beers and then walked around some. Lucas and I had our picture taken in front of “Big Tex”.
One of the most fun things about the game was the shirts that Jen, Courtney and I wore. We were the hit of the fair. They were homemade by Jen and Courtney and turned out to be so cute. We had people both OU fans and TX fans stopping us left and right asking were we got them and asking if they could take pictures of them. There is a picture in my slideshow of them, but it isn’t a close up. It had the picture shown below on the back with the words, “SUCK IT” on top. I know, I know it’s a little tacky, but in the spirit of this game, it was PERFECT!

Well needless to say, the game didn’t go exactly as we wanted it to. We cheered hard and had fun up until the last quarter or so. Lucas and I left as soon as Texas went up by 10 points. On the way out there was already a dumb Texas fan running around like a fool yelling at the Sooner fans on the OU side. Lucas and he got into a bit of a shouting match because they guy was getting in the face of a couple that was minding their own business.
After the game, Lucas and I went back over to the beer stand and waited for Tyler, Jen, Courtney and Steven to show up. We all sat around and ate and drank a couple of beers and listed to all the Texas fans hoop and holler. Needless to say there were way more Texas fans sticking around after the game than there were OU fans.
After that, we headed back to the hotel and took a nap. When we woke up we went to this little sports bar in downtown Dallas named Tens to watch the OSU vs. Missouri game. That bar was pretty cool. The food was really good. The owner was there and he was really nice and attentive. It’s always nice to go to a place when you know the manager/owner is making sure his people are taking care of you. After the OSU game, they started playing some good music. We stayed another 20 minutes or so and then left.
Our group went down to the West End and Lucas and I went back to the hotel. We were all getting rowdy and I was afraid that we’d end up getting in trouble if we went to the West End. Lucas and I ended up at the hotel bar and sat and had a couple of beers with 2 Texas fans and an OSU fan. (I know, I know, it was a weird night!)
I got up at 8:30 Sunday morning. I was so ready to get home and say my little man. I kept tearing up every time I thought about him. We left Dallas Sunday morning around 11. We stopped at a Dairy Queen on the way home (which took 45 minutes just to get food to go!) We got home around 3:30 and left to go get the little man ASAP!!
All in all it was a fun weekend. I’m real bummed that the Sooners lost. However, I do think that if TX falters, we can get right back in there. I would hate for us not to get to the Big XII Championship or a BSC game just because we lost one game. Granted it’s one very important game, but still. Texas is a good team, they played their hearts out on Saturday and truth be told they deserved to win that game. We said it over and over again Saturday afternoon and night, “Good game, Texas”.