So much has happened since my last post!
Let's see. Last Friday Lucas and I took the day off to spend with Cade. We ran errands all day and just kind of hung out together. One of the places we went was Watson's to buy some chemicals for the pool. Anyway, while we were checking out Cade was sitting on the counter where they had a fish bowl. Cade saw the fish and really liked it. He just kept saying, "fishee! fishee!" So I asked him if he wanted to get a fish. Of course he said he did. For the rest of the day all he would talk about was wanting a fish. We would ask him if he was hungry, or if he wanted some chicken nuggets or whatever and he would reply, "I want buy fish!!" in the most demanding voice he could muster! Needless to say, later that night we went to Wal-Mart and bought this boy a fish. He's a blue Beta fish named Peedie. Cade loved him the first night however since then Peedie is more of a chore for me and Lucas to feed then he is a pet for Cade.
The reason that Peedie is no longer Cade's focus is because Cade got another new pet. You see Cade loves cats. His Nana (Lucas' mom) has 2 cats. One she has had for quite a while and the other is a stray kitten from the vet clinic where she works. Cade loves that kitten so much. I personally can't stand cats, but there is something about this cat that even I like. (Lucas also was growing quite attached to her.) So, Nana said that we could have the cat for Cade if we wanted it. We could hardly say no considering how much Cade loves her. So, last Tuesday Lucas went and picked up Jax from Nana's and brought her home to surprise Cade. Little did Lucas know, I had already told Cade that Daddy was bringing Nana's cat home. Cade was so excited. All the way home from my aunt and uncles all he talked about was, "Nana's cat?" "Nana's cat?" "Daddy get Nana's cat?" So when Lucas got home with the cat in a carrier Cade looks up at him and says, "Where the cat?" It was so funnny. Lucas looks at me and says, "You told him!?" Of course I was busted for ruining the surprise. Oh well. Anyway, now every evening the focus of Cade's attention is Jax. (Who by the way I'm calling Jaxi because it's more girly.)
Other than that we are super excited about OU football having started. Last Saturday we went to an autograph signing with Billy Sims, Steve Owens and Jason White. (For those of you living under a rock these are the 3 living Heisman trophy winners from OU.) Pretty much everyone knows that Lucas is a collector of OU football memorabilia. So, he had some cool stuff to get autographed. About 3 or 4 years ago someone gave him a 6 foot tall canvas picture of Billy Sims that used to hang in the Switzer center before they re-did it. It is a very cool picture. Lucas is always saying that he wanted Billy to autograph it, but just never got the chance until last Saturday. It was acutally kind of funny because Lucas has it all rolled up and tells Billy, "When you see this you're going to wonder where the he** I got it." Billy looks at him smiles and says "Oh, ok" with this look of yeah right kid. Then when he unrolled it Billy looks at him smiles real big and says, "Where in the he** did you get this?!?!?!" Lucas also has an original Sports Illustrated from Nov. 10, 1969 with Steve Ownens on the cover. This was the same season that Steve won the Heisman. So, we were able to finally get that autographed as well.
Last Saturday was also the first OU game of the season. Cade still isn't going this year. We still think he's too small to enjoy it. We want to wait until it will be fun for him. (Possibly until he's old enough to have a basic understanding of the game.) We did however get to go with tons of friends. This year almost all of our friends got season tickets so it was really cool to hang out with everyone.
Well October is right around the corner which means that Cade's birthday is coming. He'll be 2 this year and is acting more and more like it everyday. He's recently gained some weight and is getting so big. He is getting taller and acting less and less like a baby all the time. Time flys too fast!!!
P.S. There is one other thing that I want to share. I call it Cade's Binky Fit. You might remember around last Thanksgiving I posted a video of Cade's Binky Trick. Well now that he's older we don't let him have his binky during the day time. This video is of him getting mad at us for taking it away. It's so funny.
1 comment:
Cade,Nana will get that Daddy when she sees him! We went to Ks State Fair but they didn't have the little hats with the propeller on top this year. We are going to Tulsa for Dillon's surgery Weds.
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