Wow, it's been so long since I've posted! Cade is getting so big. He's interacting more and more with the world around him everyday. He has strated following directions quite well and seems to understand virtually everything we say. He's also talking more and more and even his jibberish is starting to sound less like jibberish.
He went to the doctor of Jan. 10th. The doctor was somewhat concerned with his growth, or lack thereof. He is growing quite well as far as heighth goes, but not much at all in weight. In July he was 19 1/2 pounds and then in January he was only 20 pounds. That's the bad news. The good news is that the doctor had us put him on PediaSure and since Jan. 10th he's gained almost 3 pounds. And, his little cheeks are starting to look chubby! Chubby or skinny, he's still the custest thing ever in my book!
I can't tell you how blessed I feel to have Cade in my life. Lucas and I have been given such an enormous blessing. The other day I was reading the book, "Power of a Praying Parent" by Stormie O'Martin. As I was reading it I felt overcome with emotion. I began to realize what a blessing this boy is to me and Lucas. But, wow with such a great blessing comes responsibility. There is so much for a parent to pray for and worry about. Anyway, I'm learning to leave it in God's hands and to take instruction and guidance from Him. I've realized that this job is much too great to go it alone. We must have the help of the greatest parent ever, God.
Anyway, I've of course included pictures. This first slide show is of our little Fiesta Bowl party. We were joined by Lucas' brother Brad, his wife Heather and their daughter Marti. We were also joined by one of Lucas' good friends, Caleb and last but not least we were joined by Lucas' cousin Shecoeta and her clan. Husband, Bodie and 4 of their kiddos, Chandler, Braiden, Grady and Carter. It was a fun time even though our Sooners lost.
The next slide show is a Cade's 15th Month slide show. Most of the pictures are just around the house. There are a couple from Brad's birthday breakfast at Cattlemen's.
This slide show is from Cade's 16th month (so far). Last Saturday the weather was absolutely beautiful. It was in the mid 60's with little to no wind. So, I decided to take Cade to the park. My mom and Floyd met us there. We had a really great time pushing Cade on the swings and helping him down the slide. Then we headed over to the mall where Cade got to ride the carousel. That was his first time on a carousel. He really liked it. He didn't smile a lot or anything, he just kind of sat there. However, he was a little miffed when he had to get off. I think he liked being able to set up high and go round and round. We had a great time with my mom and Floyd. It was nice to spend some quality time with them.
Anyway, our first 6 weeks of the year were great. Valentine's Day was great. We went out to dinner tonight. Cade and I gave Lucas more M&M's then he'll ever be able to eat. Cade's Nana and Poppie got him a cute stuffed bulldog. And the boys got me a 1 hour massage, manicure and pedicure gift certificate! Woo-hoo!! I'm doing that on Saturday. YEAH!
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