We are starting to struggle with discipline. Cade is very strong willed and wants what he wants when he wants it! We are working on that though. I’m actually about to go and check out some of James Dobson’s parenting books at the library. I have never personally read any of his stuff, but I know he is very respected among the Christian community, so I’d like to read what he has to say.
Below you will find a few new pictures from the last couple of weeks.
There are some pictures of Cade on the 4th of July. I had to steal them off of Lucas’ cousin Jill’s myspace page. My camera broke so we couldn’t take any pictures for about 2 weeks. Luckily it has since been fixed. There are some really cute pictures of Cade playing on Jill’s old Barbie Jeep and some pictures of him riding an antique tricycle. He had a lot of fun over there because he was the only little kid and so naturally he was the center of attention. (Which he loves!!)
Cade got to go to his first baseball game on Friday July 18th. The Redhawks played Memphis at the Bricktown ballpark. I think Cade had a good time, but the heat was terrible!! Cade enjoyed watching all the people and also these blow-up mascot things that would come out and dance around and act silly. Actually Lucas and I really enjoyed those too. I think there are 2 pictures on here from the ballpark.
Cade and I also went to the zoo on July 19th with my aunt and uncle. We got out there around 9:30 and stayed until a little after 1. It was so hot!!! Cade did so good though. He was such a trooper and had a lot of fun. My uncle bought him this little back-pack that has a “leash” on it. Cade loved it. I know so many people say, “I would never put my kid on a leash!” In fact, I think I said that before I had a child of my own. But, truthfully Cade absolutely loved it. If he had not been on the leash he would’ve had to be stuck in a stroller. The leash gave him the freedom to walk around and be a big boy without us having to worry as much about his safety or keeping him close by. In fact, I don’t think he even knew he was on a leash. I think he thought he was free to roam. It was good for all of us. Also, he got lots of exercise walking around the zoo for over three hours. He also got to ride a couple of those little kid rides, which he loved. The coolest thing that happened was when he saw the chimpanzees. He walked up to the chimp window and saw the chimp sitting inside there. He pointed at it and said, “Monkey”. I thought it was so cool because he’d never seen a chimp/monkey before in real life. I was surprised that he recognized them from toys and t.v. shows.
Enjoy the pictures!!
Barbie Jeep Pics

Messy Face!!

Antique Tri-Cycle

Cade's First Baseball Game
Cade and his uncle Victor at the OKC Zoo.
Stopping for something to drink...
Riding the miniature carousel.
Cade and the gorilla statue. He was acutally too scared to go stand by the statue all by himself... so my uncle had to go and stand with him. He still wasn't happy about it.
Anyone reading this who knows Cade very well will know this ride was right up his ally! He loves cars and steering wheels. This safari jeep would move up and down and play music. We should've saved the $30 we spent inside the zoo and let him ride this ride outside the gift shop to his heart's content. He would've liked that much better!! LOL