Cade will be 21 months tomorrow! I can't believe it, he'll be 2 in just a few months. He is talking more and more everyday. He has lots of teeth and is ornery beyond belief! We are beginning to think about poddy training. Twice in two days, Cade walked up to me and said, "I poo-poo." And sure enough, he did. This is one of the signs of poddy training readiness, so we'll see.
In other news, we got a pool about 2 weeks ago. It's been really nice being able to relax and play together as a family in our own backyard. I am dying to get some pictures of Cade playing in the pool, but those will have to wait just a little bit longer. He likes the pool for up to about 30 minutes and then he's done. I think he gets frustrated because he wants to roam around and play without being in a floaty or attached to me or Lucas.
These are all 19 Months old
Playing in the backyard

Cade and his cousin Marti

A Mohawk in the Tub

Playing with daddy's cell phone

Mad about something!!

All of these are 20 months old
Giant Boo-Boo on the forehead

Icing Down his Boo-Boo

Sitting on a 4 Wheeler - He really wants one!

Here Comes His Onery Side Again!!

Me and Cade at my work's Summer Party

Cade and Miss Mia (My friend Angie's little girl.)

Cade got a new shirt last night. I took this pic this morning (with my cell phone - arrrrgghhhh!!). It says, "My Dad Rocks"

1 comment:
Love the new pics! He's so handsome! Are the little girls calling your house yet? Just get ready...
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