I cannot believe it’s been 2 months since I’ve updated the world on my life! Things have been crazy for the Hinshaw clan. Let’s see where do I start??
First, I should let everyone know that I have gone back to school this semester. I’m enrolled in 9 hours of online courses at OCCC... and to be quite honest it’s kicking my rear!! Between working full-time, taking 3 college classes, being a wife to Lucas, raising Cade and helping out with my aunt and uncle I’m just SO BUSY! I am just hoping that all this craziness in my life will be worth it in the long run.
While we’re on the subject of school, I should mention that I have been accepted to SNU for the adult studies program. Lucas is currently enrolled in the same program. I start in May and will finish 14 months later with a Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Leadership!! (It’s basically a business degree.) That pretty much means that I graduate college 10 years and 2 months after I graduated high school. If that doesn’t qualify as the “10 Year Plan”, I don’t know what does. Even so, I’m proud of myself for taking this step and for working to put this stage of my life behind me.
Moving on to other news…. For those of you who haven’t already heard, my miniature dachshund, Zoe, died on Feb. 13th. Our fence blew down that day, she got out, and a car hit her. I was sad about it for a few days, but am doing much better now. Lucas buried her at my aunt and uncle’s with all of the other dogs I’ve had throughout my life.
After losing Zoe, I wanted another dog. And also, our dog Rowdy needed another companion. So, we got a new dog. Her name is Lily (Officially, Hinshaw’s Awesome Lily Blossom) and she is a 7 week old English Bulldog!! She is so precious. I’ve put pics of her below. Lucas’ parents also got a puppy out of the same litter. She is also a female. They named her Hannah (Officially, Hinshaw’s Whole Lotta Hannah) Lucas’ brother Brad and his wife Heather also got a new bulldog this week; however theirs is not related to ours. She is a 3-year-old female named Baby D. So now including our other dog Rowdy, we have 4 bulldogs in the Hinshaw family these days!
Everyone keeps asking what Cade thinks about Lily. I think the jury is still out on this. One minute he wants to hold her and play with her; the next minute he wants her to leave him alone. We can tell that Lily very much likes Cade though. She loves to follow him around while he’s playing and hang out with him. Rowdy on the other hand doesn’t seem to care for her much. I think he will at some point, but for now, she has way too much energy for him. (He’s 9, which is a senior citizen in Bulldog years.)
One last bit of news… I finally got rid of the 'Stang. After 9 long years with my Mustang, I finally said goodbye. I’m both happy and sad. I love, love, love my new car; but I also miss my Mustang. There were many good memories in that car. Anyway, I got a 2008 Ford Fusion. It’s white with dark tinted windows. It has a sunroof and leather interior. It's kinda fun having extra bells and whistles!
Updates on Cade- Cade is growing like a weed. He is more and more alert and involved in the world around him everyday. He is talking very well these days. He talks in full sentences and can carry short conversations. He is learning his colors and can count to 6 (but only when he wants to, now when we ask him to!) He has also learned lots of animal sounds. It is quite a hoot to listen to him growl like a dinosaur (that's his favorite), "oink" like a pig or "moooove" like a cow. Yes, I said move. He thinks the cow says, "move"! It's so cute. He also knows how to "ruff" like a dog and "Meeeooowww" like a cat. He's getting cuter (and more bossy) everyday! We just love him to pieces and are so thankful to have him in our lives.
Easter is coming up next month. I hope to get Cade’s pics made between now and then. I am very much looking forward to spring and summer (especially Saturdays and Sundays in the pool!!)
Me trying to get Cade to show off for the camera.
Mason, Cade and Dillon (Cade's cousins)
Cade playing in the bath. There is a great video of this, but I'm too scared of pervs watching it to post it.
Cade and Lily
Rowdy and Lily
1 comment:
Lily looks so small next to Rowdy! She is so cute, I'm happy you were able to find her.
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